NBC reveals ties between criminal biker gang and GOP candidate Allen WestAllen West has become the most recent Republican candidate for Congress to suffer from embarrassing stories from his past. Earlier this month video emerged showing GOP candidate Christine O'Donnell had "dabbled" in witchcraft as a teenager. Then photos emerged of Republican Rich Iott dressed up as a Nazi soldiers taking part in historical reenactments. Now, documents have emerged showing West has associated himself with biker gang called the "Outlaws."What is worse for West, the Outlaws seem to go out of their way to live up to their namesake. As the video report to the left reveals wow gold, the Outlaws have a special part of the website devoted to honoring "Brothers in Prison" who include individuals convicted of violent crimes like murder. In August, the FBI conducted a joint-raid one of the Outlaws' compounds which resulted in, "eleven Outlaws members who've been indicted for a range of crimes involving extortion, drugs wow po, and guns." The FBI accuses the national Outlaw organization of being "a highly organized criminal enterprise with a defined, multi-level chain of command."West has spoken for a group affiliated with the Outlaws. West has also invted the Outlaws to participate in a campaign bike ride, and asked them to provide him with protection at one event. When asked to distance himself from the Outlaws by one Republican operative, West refused and instead came to the group's defense.If a Democrat was associated with this kind of group it would be the lead on Glenn Beck's show. Beck would point out how the Democrat in question was using his "thugs" to enforce the progressive agenda. It will be interesting to see if Beck and Fox News covers Allen West's association with the Outlaws with the same kind of zeal they would for a Democrat.See the most recent polling data for 20 key House races, including Allen West race.Running through the candidates one by one seeing what sticks.No wonder there will be a slaughter on 11-2. People are tired of it. We would rather give a chance to witches and momma grizzles and a man who is a retired Lieutenant Colonel with TWO Masters degrees, one in Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the US Army Command and General Staff Officer College than keep people who ran homosexual prostitution from his home and people who took sweetheart deals for his mortgage or people who write tax law and failed to claim his own income and property on his taxes.But continue to do the only thing you have left, personal destruction because YOU HAVE LOST the policy issues from A to Z!It is sad as hell to see the other side so desperate they REFUSE to debate policy.I'm a conservative and frankly I would vote for a Hell's Angel or an Outlaw before I would waste a vote on whoever the hell this Klein is or this Allen West hack. Hell I thought the former Batman actor was running for some political office, now I would vote for Batman. I will vote Republican only because the Democraps are so repulsive, but quite frankly the Republicans the last couple of decades haven't shown me too much either, just look at our border and illegal invaders. Let's be real even though the now named "New Americans" have been coming for decades it wasn't until Dubya was in office that the infestation reached epic porportions. Look no further than turncoat Scott Brown or that worm Juan McAmnesty. Most politicians whatever their chosen stripe are for the most part sociapathic egotistical whores who only have self-interest and will say anything to get elected. Trouble is especially among Republicans they will completely ignore their base of voters who elected them once in office like the spineless cowards they are.Howard: Yes I would believe you and that is good to hear. About 10 years ago there were Republicans I would have voted for if I felt the Democrat was really weak. I have Republican friends I would vote for. I can not think of a current race where I would vote for the Republican. If I was in South Carolina I would probably vote for a Green Party guy or write-in a candidate rather than voting for Greene or Demint. If liked Mike Castle but I would not vote for him against Coons. I would vote for Castle if he was running against someone like Greene, maybe Rangel.The partisan mud slinging here is hilarious. Sadly, neither side can see the flaws inherent in their own side. That isn't hilarious. That is just scary.I would suggest that all of you fanatical knuckle draggers take a step back and realize a very simple point. Just because you are a "conservative", that doesn't mean the guy with the R next to his name is right. Likewise, if you are "liberal", the guy with the D isn't the second coming of christ.There are merits and drawbacks to both liberal and conservative idealisms. The sooner your tiny little brains start to comprehend that fact, the sooner this country can stop chasing it's own tailAlas, i'm not brucie. but i'm sure whoever brucie is, he is proud to know you are thinking of him.One wonders what a conservative homophobe is doing thinking about a man named brucie late at night anyway. Could it be another example of that repressed homosexuality so common amongst you ultra conservative hate mongers?I do find it entertaining how you project your self loathing on others around you in a pitiful attempt to cover up your shortcomings. And to clarify, my feces flinging friend. when i say shortcomings, I am not referencing the cumming your short little pecker does. Save that fopr your special friend brucie tiger ;-)Your "insults" are feeble enough sparky. But seriously. if you are going to TRY to insult someone, doing so by saying one looks like a cross between bill maher and "whatever her name is" really wont do the trick.a) it's just stupid and states no direct intentionb)saying "whatever her name is" illustrates your ignorance. You are using a negative connotation to describe a person who you obviously have no familiarity with. This of course illustrates the conservative tendency to just hate something without having any understanding of it."And for the record, "whatever her name is" is considered very attractive in the lesbian community. So since your intent was to insult my looks, you failed again. You on the other hand are repulsive to everyone, everywhere, in every species.We have now established that you can't debate intelligently. We have established that you can't win in a battle of insults. We have established that you are unwilling to put a name to your post since again you post under "anonymous" despite requesting that i use a name. So in turn we have established you are a cowardly hypocrite.Your response to these failures was to insult me physically. We then established that I am attractive to lesbians at the very least, and you repulse all of god's creature.our last attempt was to respond to my point that you are an angry little gnome by stating that I am the angry one. Essentially, the "I know you are but what am i" argument. Sadly my slow witted friend, that wasn't even a compelling argument in first grade. You would have known that if you hadn't flunked out.
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Save that fopr your special friend brucie tiger ;-)Your "insults" are feeble enough sparky. But seriously. if you are going to TRY to insult someone, doing so by saying one looks like a cross between bill maher and "whatever her Cheap GW2 gold
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