
Coffee klatsch Eatocracy gw2 gold sU

Coffee klatsch EatocracyWe are utterly thrilled when readers want to hang out and talk " whether it amongst themselves or in response to pieces we posted. We want Eatocracy to be a cozy, spirited online home for those who find their way here.Consider the daily Coffee klatsch post as your VIP lounge " the primary comments thread for readers who like to chat about topics not related to the articles we running. That way, everyone knows where to find each other, and each post comments section remains on topic.Dave, silly underling. Your futile plan of revenge was futile. Your puny food poisoning was no match for me, and was conquered by some rest and orange juice guild wars 2 gold.Unfortunately my evil younger sibling was struck by a virus and complications from a chronic condition and ended up doing some hospital time yesterday. Fortunately a puny virus and chronic illness is no match for our evil genes, and a few hours of meds and monitoring did the trick. Evil sib is back to brand sparkling new.December 30, 2010 at 2:43 pm |The trip was interesting, streefull, hilarious, frustrating, yet a good time overall. First Christmas for my son and my parents are fairly elderly so it was good for them to see him. Overall the classic family drama was there with 14 of us in one place. Oh family. Friends from NYC coming for New Years with their 1 year old. Then the Giants Redskins game on Sunday (wife is a Giants fanatic). The fun never ends. I need a vacation from all this. Scotch was much appreciated in Iowa thanks for the case.December 30, 2010 at 11:43 am |I have just spent the past 20 minutes reading your Terms of Service to try to determine what heinous act I might have committed that would warrant not posting my comments. You know what I would like to see blocked gw2 gold, the Vapors and Dovers of Eatocracy who refer to others as mindless robots and threaten to us all because we dare to smell a wine cork. I would also like to see the multiple personality who repeatedly posts about their incorrect cookbook be banished to Eatocracy pergotory but yes, that right, they didn mention anything about the aforementioned article. So you go right ahead and earn your paycheck keeping an eye on the troublemakers in the Coffee Klatsch. You can sleep better tonight knowing that you have made the world a better place.December 30, 2010 at 9:55 am |Howdy QoE please take a deeeeeep breath before you go yelling at us and telling us to suck anything. Nothing is afoot and we surely don have the bandwidth to go through deleting posts. We a tiny team just 2 of us and the software does the heavy lifting guild wars 2 gold. It probably saw the string repeated a lot and thought it was spam.We don have the time or the manpower to go peeking through the pending and deleted queue, so we didn see that some things weren making it through. I apologize for that. We DO go to the trouble of putting up this Coffee Klatsch post every day so our beloved regulars can chat - I just ask that you take a second and calm down before you start calling us names and accusing us of things, please.
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