dreadlordnaf's Comments Page 3Seems like your article is just kind of pointing out the obvious. Any investment in a solid company and reinvesting the dividends would produce great returns over 40 years. If you really want to add value then what would be really interesting to know is how one would've known to pick XOM 40 years ago, versus other stocks. And how to avoid picking stocks which seemed as good as XOM at the time but have performed miserably.Oct 22 11:56 AMI think the next gen of consoles will really make or break Gamestop for one reason: the ability to resell used games. This is the single only reason I still buy physical games rather than just direct download. I know that if the game is crappy or I get tired of it, i can resell it on ebay for a decent amount or trade it in. While this invites criticism of conspiracy theorists, it makes some sense. Excluding those two volatile items tends to smooth the CPI over consecutive periods and make the CPI a more usable figure."No it doesn't make sense. That is like saying we should measure the stock market but drop from the Dow or Nadaq calculation all the stocks which "move up and down too much" because it throws off the number. That would be ridiculous. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to provide smoothing to a volatile CPI number. household budget when compared with big-ticket items like housing and new cars. Thus far gw2 gold, excluding food doesn't seem to be a major drawback but I agree that might change if we ever have runaway food prices."Again where do you get this? First off if you add my food costs the last 5 years they are more than I have spent on anything dealing with my car over that period of time, so that statement is incorrect. Also my power bill which is very much affected by the energy prices is my largest single bill every month after my rent and student loans. And what if you are older like my parents and have paid off your house and don't exactly buy a lot of "bling"? Then food and energy are your primary costs every month!Them excluding food and energy makes the CPI number a joke and people are right to question it.Oct 12 04:27 PMDana, your zombie-like hyper partisanship shows through. Anything you disagree with you reply back with MSNBC talking points and then associate the poster as being a Republican shill. I agree with stocktrader7 but personally can't stand the current group that calls themselves republicans. Ocampo mine had potential and they sold it to Carlos Slim who is usually distress buyer of last resort for desperate companies. While there was short term gain, its unclear how selling a productive asset for a one time gain to pay off some debt is going to do much for the company long term guild wars 2 gold.Oct 11 12:28 PMThe people arguing against austerity must believe in magic. Either way the money isn't coming out of thin air guild wars 2 gold, it's being taken from someone. If you believe austerity is bad then you fundamentally must think that gov bureaucrats taking your money can achieve a higher rate of return on it than leaving it in private hands. And if you truly believe this, then you must believe in magic.
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