Wrecky Paladin Tanking Guide 33There are numerous tanking specs which are all viable. Please refer to the official World of Warcraft Paladin forums for spec advice wow gold kopen. I'm too old and too tired to list them all out here.If you absolutely require some spec advice please read the following AFTER checking out a few cookie cutter specs.Read the tool-tip very carefully. This talent increases ALL damage done when you have a 1-handed weapon equipped, not just weapon damage. It is a Flat increase in damage and threat for EVERY attack you have. It is just beautiful wow gold.As long as you have 1 point into Improved Judgments and you have all the actualTanking talents (Damage Mitigation, Attacks that end in the word "Shield", you will be fine).TELL ME SOMETHING ELSE WRECKY!Once you are geared enough from these heroics, it's time to start buying TriumphGear and running the 3 new instances which contain a lot of nice ilevel232 gear.Honestly, with the new Random Dungeon system and the amount of Triumph badges you can obtain, It is entirely possible to deck yourself out in 245's in 2-3 days.THIS DK KEEPS DEATH-GRIPPING MY MOBS HALP!First ask them politely to stop. If that does not work use hand of protection onthem for a few pulls. If they still don't stop then remind them that your queue timePeople are looking for geared and experienced tanks for emblem runs. They want a smooth run that takes no time or effort. In short, 90% of Random Heroic groups are extremely under-geared and expect to be carried. Deal with it, it's nice to top the damage meters while tanking.When in doubt, stack a lot of stamina. Chances are - if your sporting 35K health, your group isn't going to give a darn what your avoidance is.I agree that it is a sad state of affairs but regrettably, this is the way of the world… of Warcraft.If you have followed this guide then your fresh 80 tank should now be geared/experienced enough to run all heroic instances and all 10 man raids (excluding ICC and hard modes) As well as the majority of 25 man raids.
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