Thousands Come Aboard American RevolutionUNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're stepping on the Constitution wow po. They're stepping on all our civil liberties. We're just fighting back now. It's growing. The movement is growing.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: America is not going the way America should be going. We should be going straight to the Founding Fathers. And Christianity as our -- as our base.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want my country back. You know, I don't mind going to work, but I'm not going to be working to support somebody else. You know, enough of this nonsense.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm here to tell the government we need to go back to the Constitution. We need to go back to free market principles.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think we have awakened the sleeping giant. For a long time, people were either numb to it or oblivious to it. And when the final -- after the stimulus bill and all the other things, when the health care finally came home and people began to began to read what was going on in that thousand-page document, there was a lot of alarm. And I think that has rang through this community very strongly.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well (INAUDIBLE) just want to know one question wow gold kopen. Why did you have the health care debate over the phone and not in person? Are you afraid of the people and what the people really have to say wow gold po?JENKINS: What's the message? What do you want the politicians in Washington, President Obama to know?UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let the American people do what they do best Acheter Des PO, make this country great. Leave us alone. Protect this country's freedom, and get back to the Constitution.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Take back America!UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Take back America!MOORE: There's a lot of truth to that. And you know, I think one of the reasons that this has thrown the Obama administration off their game a little bit is I think a lot of liberals think, you know, they all -- people who protest are liberals. And these are people who are (INAUDIBLE) very much like people who protested against the Vietnam war in the 1960s and so on. But that's why I said a lot of these people have never really protested before. They've never been that politically active. I think a lot of them, by the way, are the types of Ross Perot voters that we saw in -- in 1992.VAN SUSTEREN: But you know wow gold, you think of protests as, you know, Don't send me to war. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.
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