
School Reading List Includes Lesbian Sex wow gold kopen 4Q

School Reading List Includes Lesbian SexYou must have lost your mind! A 31 year old on a 13 year old? This is completely crazy! Orgy? Meth use? THIS is what you get when you let those liberals make you feel bad about being discrimminating. You have your own judgement about things. trust them. Do not feel bad about creating your limits and holding those against these creeps trying to justify un-natural behaviors. I wait for the day when my kids have to read complete crap like this in an attempt to feed this nasty, un-natural and perverse sub-culture. You must have lost your minds!READ THIS FIRST, CRITICS! I am a Democrat. I am a Christian. I do not believe that homosexuality is a Christian lifestyle. I have a number of close friends who have chosen to live such a lifestyle, and, while I do not condone that as a Christian, I love them just the same. What I am against is graphic sexual content being endorsed by schools wow po, or being endorsed by ANYONE to kids. Who cares that they may see worse in their personal lives wow gold kopen?! They underage, impressionable little minds that cannot yet properly put those acts in appropriate context. I mean, please, why don we just send them home with a list of p o r n sites to check out over the summer? Because once any of them find this exciting to read, that exactly what they going to be looking up on their computers.Also, the fact that only a dozen or so parents complained is probably only because a dozen or so either scanned the books themselves or were informed by their kids of the content. One should not think it because the other several thousand sets of parents were okay with p o r n on the required summer reading list gw2 gold. And, not to put too fine a point on my position here, but I would feel this way about graphic heterosexual content, equally.Hedyd4me16:55 August 25, 2011If you are a Christian you must have forgotten that the Bible is required reading for you ! Hate the sin -not the sinner OK , I got it.But the Bible also says that as a Christian . you are to have nothing to do with those that are sexually immoral (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).So where is your "disconnect" ? They teach this crap to the kids in schools , then parents and teachers seem freaked out when the kids ACT out. BTW there is no such thing as 2 mommies or 2 daddies being parents. Since it is physiologically impossible you feeding your kids a flat out lie. It is as you said , "a chosen lifestyle".Political correctness be damned Acheter Des PO, right along with the "gay agenda"in the school system. It doesn belong there.stonewall12310:58 August 24, 2011Wow almost every reporter on this story and comments on here have missed the main point of that one book. It says a 31 year old woman and a 13 year old girl. Doesnt matter what the school thinks, what the parents think, or even what the community thinks. I believe that is illegally everywhere in this country. And I think in some states the penalty is life in prison with that much age difference. And I also think that talking that way to certain age kids is also illegal in some states. It would be funny if some young prosecutor got ahold of this and placed charges against the school board members.John19:26 October 21, 2011So was reviewed and PASSED as ok by Monroe Township teachers, administrators, and Board members? Ok, since they were all proud and happy for Williamstown 7th graders to read this slop reading believe that they should all be happy and proud to allow their full name and address to be published also! I can wait to see what the reaction of these persons would be if a county judge forced the release of that reading as mandatory for all of the parents and students of the school district!Bill18:46 October 24, 2011I guess this is just another example why our public schools preparing our children for the future. Teachers who are having sex with students you could say small part of sex education and this is the same system who has what is known as tenure, when children in grades 5 to 12 are having difficulty with reading writing mathematics science and yes even history so what if the children and United States are able to compete with other students in mathematics science reading and writing so what just maybe they score highest in sex education or even How to apply a needle to administer their addiction for themselves, most kids at that age can tell y about the different illegal drugs that in the area. Who cares about preparing the children put tomorrow job market. I mean we need teachers teaching and demonstrating the proper sex education because so many parents I able to talk to their children concerning sex and drug abuse. And I sure parents, teachers, PTA, Board of Education and if I left anyone out excusing are really excited to know that they are preparing the children for the future. Sorry is what the administration has to say. To this lesbian woman I am a taxpayer and what included in my property tax is amount of money I am required to pay for public schools if you think it not my business or my concern and I shouldn have to pay for people children to learn about homosexuals or which drug I should be using or how to minister a needle. If you going to take my money than I think it only right that the children learn how to read right, mathematics, English and regardless of what you may think English is not a dirty word and science. What next orgies. When it comes to sex education and drugs let the parents teach their children, when it comes to sexual preferences that should be up to the child and the parents not the school. In today world a child must learn many things to help preparing a child for tomorrow jobs.a mom09:23 October 25, 2011If parents would take a more active role in their children education, controversies like this wouldn arise. If this came home to me on my child reading list, I would let her choose what she wanted to read, but I would certainly read it first. If I deemed it inappropriate wow gold, would prefer she choose another title. However, if she did indeed wish to read the book, I would be prepared to discuss it with her as well. I am not qualified in saying what is right and wrong as far as education goes, but I do keep an open mind because our children will be exposed to almost everything. Having information is invaluable and the more we keep the lines of communication open, the better off our children will be.Tired of the Agenda16:32 October 24, 2011SInce when is it the schools job to teach anyone or anything related to homosexuality. That is a sociatial issue, and has no business at all in schools. That issue should totally be left up to parents to educate their children. As you put it, the "religious right", well what about the liberal left and the gay and lesbian organizations that stop at nothing to push their agenda down everyone elses throats! How bout just keep it to yourself. My child shouldnt have to have it force fed to them about homesexuals! Thats my business to teach them what is right and wrong not the schools or some lesbian or gay agenda pusher!
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