
Friends With Money 2006 gw2 gold FK

Friends With Money 2006

Queer Beacon does not claim credit for any images featured on this site unless otherwise noted. Queer Beacon is not responsible for, or has control over, the content of any external web site links. They are having troubles. Joan Cusack seems to be ok with her hubby Greg Germann. Frances McDormand is having issues with life guild wars 2 gold. She is married to an effeminate "metrosexual wow gold," played by Simon McBurney guild wars 2 gold. They are all rich, J is poor.

Another great ensemble flick. The ensemble thing has been done a lot lately. Maybe people are all really hooked on what they like. Tastes and interests are getting narrower every day. So, maybe, if a movie does not have something specific for everybody (and an ensemble cast movie usually has something for everybody) it may not get enough people to go see it. I don't know. He is a personal trainer/con.

I liked the dialogs a lot. Nicole Holofcener wrote and directed the movie. She's is good. Anyway, I'll check out Nicole Holofcener's other movies: Lovely Amazing, and Walking Talking. Lovely Amazing seems to go along with the whole idea for Friends with Money.

Now to our gay movie review. In one scene, Catherine Keener tells her husband that Frances' husband is gay. She says it like it's just ridiculous for the guy to be married to a woman and hide his sexual identity. I thought this was pretty good.

In another scene, Joan Cusack is in bed with Greg Germann and she talks about their son not playing with balls. She is worried with that, so she asks her husband how he would feel if their son was gay. The husband just replies that he doesn't want his son to feel pain. Joan says that everybody feels pain. I guess it is still acceptable for parents to worry about their gay child suffering in a homophobic society, but they should fight that, right? They should fight against homophobia in society, not their child's identity guild wars 2 gold. Anyway, from their conversation in bed, it seems they would be fine with a gay son. Worried, but fine gw2 gold. Everybody laughed in the theater with the "gay pain" thing though.

Oh, there were LOTS of lesbians in the theater. Super nice.

The rest of the discussion will entail the possible homosexuality of Frances McDormand's husband. So I'll spoil that part of the plot if you keep reading after the jump. So, go see the movie, watch the trailer, or read on.

Can you believe him in the photo above? He was like that all movie, making constant references to things that are seen as stereotypically gay (a cashmere sale, facial creams, outfits etc.). Here's how the movie's official website describes his character: "Simon McBurney plays Aaron, the ambivalent, happily wed husband of Jane (Frances McDormand) who senses his wife is going through an emotional crisis." Ambivalent and happy. Whatever.

In the scene depicted in the photo above, a guy hits on him (I don't know how, our gay is butt ugly) and he does not take it badly, like a lot of the closet cases do. That was very nice. He was not offended to be mistaken for a gay. He just said he was married, the other guy said something like "he must be a lucky man" and our gay just shrugged it off, not denying the "he" part. Nice.

Well, the movie did not give us any solution for that part of the plot. I think. My hubby thought that the guy was not gay. Period. Other parts of the plot were also left unsolved, and it was all fine by me.

Towards the end of the movie, our gay finds another guy in the same circumstances (looks gay but is married to a woman), they go to the movies together, prepare fancy meals etc. Gay gay gay. They go on a double date with their wives. After that double date, we see that the new friend's wife tells him in their car that she thought Simon (our original gay) was really gay (she doesn't see that her husband looks gay as well).

In any event, gay or not, I think that the fact that the issue was discussed in the movie, even without a more clear solution, was positive. If Simon was indeed gay, the movie could be seen as a criticism to his hiding his sexuality. Through the reaction the characters had when discussing the issue (pretty much everybody says at one point in the movie that Frances' husband is gay), you could imply that the characters would want our gay to come out, leave his wife, the works. If he was not gay, the movie would make a case against the "rule" that dictates that effeminate guys are necessarily gay.

Personally, I think it's all a matter of time for closeted effeminate guys. I think they will have to come out of the closet at some point. I generally think that effeminate guys are more than likely gay. But that's just my opinion, based on personal and limited observation, and there's certainly no science to it.

