
Space junk rains down around airplane wow gold HB

Space junk rains down around airplane

The Sydney Morning Herald has a wild story today about flaming pieces of space debris narrowly missing a New Zealand-bound aircraft on Tuesday.

Originally, reports indicated that the fiery pieces were the remains of a rubbish-filled Russian Progress cargo ship that left the International Space Station at 1811 GMT on Tuesday (see image) and entered guild wars 2 gold the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean hours later. But now questions have arisen over whether the timing of the Progress re-entry would have coincided with the aircraft's flight.

The pilot of a Lan Chile Airbus A340, which was travelling between Santiago, Chile, and Auckland, New Zealand, wow gear notified air traffic controllers at Auckland Oceanic Centre after seeing flaming space junk hurtling across the sky just five nautical miles in front of and behind his plane about 10pm.

According to a plane wow po spotter, who was tuning into a high frequency radio broadcast at the time, the pilot "reported that the rumbling noise from the space debris could be heard over the noise of the aircraft.

"He described he saw a piece of debris lighting up as it re-entered [the earth's atmosphere],He was wow gold one very worried pilot, as you would imagine,

I, for one, would like to see the transcript of that conversation.

I wonder if this was just a few meteors, an average bit of space junk or possibly even that trash-filled cargo ship. What do you think?

Kelly Young, Online reporter (Image: NASA TV)

Labels: airplane, debris, Progress, space junk


All comments should respect the New Scientist House Rules. If you think a particular comment breaks these rules then please let us know, quoting the comment in question.

Smirk. Doesn't matter what I think. Where's the plot of the Progress' orbit? Was it anywhere near or at the other side of the planet? I'm sure at least the US DoD has the details.

By Anonymous on March 29, 2007 1:57 PM

So the report comes from a plane spotter who happened to be tuning in on the right frequency at the right time. hmmmm call me suspicious but I see urban myth in the forming here. Unless we see first hand accounts or confirmation from radar images then this goes in the recycle bin with all the other "chance in a million" stories

By Anonymous on March 30, 2007 8:31 AM

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The Charging Models Of Guild Wars 2 Can Purchase Experience Value guild wars 2 gold ph

The Charging Models Of Guild Wars 2 Can Purchase Experience Value

ArenaNet's Lead Game Designer Colin Johanson has mentioned publicly recently that Guild Wars 2 will like the previous game - Guild Wars, using a buy-out system, and to provide mall services.

Colin Johanson said: "The mall does not sell any items of the" evil, As for the definition of "evil, wow gold refers to the more powerful items that make the player's own ability greater! Guild Wars 2" mall guild wars 2 gold will only to sell some decorative props and other peripheral services, rather than the items needed by the players in the game!

Colin Johanson said, we have produced our favorite items, and took a test of "evil" ~ We all employees are recruited, look all the micro-transactions, identify the items we sell which has the properties of "evil, and then exclude, and so decided what to sell in the future mall!

Colin Johnason said: Guild Wars 2 will be as Guild Wars to take charges of "buy-out" system, just buy the game will be able to play till the end. Until now, micro-transactions in the Guild Wars in the mall are very successful. Guild Wars 2 has large-scale development than Guild Wars; we will be more difficult in the recovery of production costs in the future. But we believe that the Guild Wars 2 will attract more players to join compared with Guild Wars, so that can offset a lot of development costs.

Finally, Colin Johnason said, we have adding more wow po content for players to choose in Guild Wars 2 "mall services. If the players want to support us, or want to buy some items, they will have more choices. Yes, you read that correctly I just said that World of Warcraft is playable just the wow gear way you purch. It has come into its entire glory due to the advent of Internet bringing it on to the online world. You will not need a tiara and talisman and people sometimes lose talismans and Tiaras for that. When you enter the rift altar, you appear right in the altar with buy runescape gold. You will find the Dark Mage, and to initiate. Me, Runescape leveling up guru will teach you the secrets of Runescape. There will be more upcoming guides on this game so watch out for them. We spend hundreds of dollars collecting the discs of that genre every year. Now after spending many hundred dollars and many years in collecting, a fairly guild wars 2 gold large library is built up in our hom

Neuer in frame to succeed Van der Sar at United wow gold rP

Neuer in frame to succeed Van der Sar at United

Fergie allowed Van der Sar to slip the net in the wake of the Great Dane's exit. After leaving Ajax in the summer of 1999 Ferguson lost out to Juventus for the then 29-year-old.

"We are planning for this being Edwin's last season, said Fergie.

"I think we have learnt from when we tried to replace Peter. I should have signed Van der Sar after Schmeichel but I made a mistake.

"But now I think we know where we are going,

United have signed £3.5m Dane Anders Lindegaard from Norwegian club Aalesunds and he has begun training at Carrington but is ineligible to play until after January 4.

But Lindegaard looks likely to wow po step into Tomasz Kuszczak's boots as deputy with the Pole set to leave in the summer as well.

Now the emphasis is bringing in internationals of the calibre of Germany's Manuel wow gold Neuer (Schalke), Lyon's French number one Hugo Loris or Ajax's Dutch first choice Maarten Stekelenburg.

Ferguson paid tribute to Van der Sar and has not ruled out approaching the former Holland number one with an offer of some advisory role at United.

Who would you like to see replace Van der Sar? Have your say.

Ferguson knows that his side have already lost out, because Carlo Ancelotti side were in poor form when the original fixture came around, and he doesn want to see his rivals given an unexpected boost in the title race that has been between the two clubs for the past six years.

What he means guild wars 2 gold is dodgy refs gave Chelsea the title as the FA could not bear for another NORTHEN club to set a new record that the London teams would never achieve.

We have now another Plonker in charge of the FA this guy can,t even make a decision perhaps Alan Sugar should have got the job.

Now I confused. The MEN wrote an article recently that said we were stepping up the hunt for de Gea, another that we are stepping up the hunt for Akinfeev, another that we are stepping up the hunt for Stekelenburg, another that we are stepping up the hunt for Loris, another that we are stepping up the hunt for McGregor and yet another that we are stepping up the hunt for Buffon.

I must say, if MEN is right, that would be a great collection of keepers to have in the squad but I suspect that it will be difficult keeping them all happy.

Alternatively, it could just be that MEN have foregone any attempt at investigative journalism and just cut and paste whatever the gossip rags are printing.

Cant undrstand sometims - thanks for revealing yourself as short term as Edwin is NOT better than Schmeichel. Schmeichel is the greatest goalie in history, United greatest ever keeper, the finest to ever come out of Denmark. A Premier Lge, Champions Lge, FA Cup, Lge Cup, S/Cup, C/Shield winner at Unitled and achieving 2 doubles and the Treble aswell the Danish Lge and Cup, Portugese Lge and Euro 92 winner, Peter is the greatest of all time. Maybe you should look up Peter because I saw the Great Dane play.

Why oh why do people constantly refer to players not being giving the opportunity to play before being sold on. Let us not forget that we are only in a position to judge them if they play for the first team, whereas the Manager and coaching staff see them day in, day out. The chances are that if they are not getting opportunities in the first team it is because they have not proven themselves in training.

With the standards of the league over the last few years, a couple of losses or a handful of draw and you will not win the league (this year looks to be slightly different). I do not want us to risk that. If you ever wonder why some players are not getting a look in, maybe consider that they have yet to prove themselves in training and the boss does not want to risk losing the league / cup. The risk will be multiplied with a goalkeeper!

It has never been a secret as to who are the top trainers in the club. All new players comment in interviews about the like of Giggs. You want to know why Giggs, Scholes, Neville (until recently) and Fletcher get in the team when fit? Application and professionalism.

Before anyone counters with the opportunities given to Giggs, Scholes, Beckham, etc when they were young, which are now not being given to our youth, think about the increase standards of the opposition. Furthermore, exactly what risk was there back then, There was no doubt that Giggs could skin any defender, Scholes was already pinging 40+ wow gear yarders and Beckham could land it on a dime. very little gamble.

If as excepted, Edwin van der Sar retires at the end of the season, and Tomasz Kuszczak leaves to find first team football at another club, I think we defiantely need to sign another goalkeeper to make up the three we usually have, and I think if so we should sign young Maarten Stekelenberg from Ajax, as I believe he is the ideal replacement to Edwin van der Sar, but not just because he Dutch, but I reckon he could be just as good as his successor in the long-term, compared to any of the other goalkeepers we supposedly interested in signing as well, so I reckon if he is going to retire at the end of the season, and our other goalkeeper guild wars 2 gold Tomasz Kuszczak decides to leave, we should sign him in the January Transfer Window, along with young Olympiakos defender Vassilis Torosidis, if as expected club captain and fellow defender Gary Neville retires at the end of the season as well

People Who Helped Obama Rise in Power wow gold uG

People Who Helped Obama Rise in Power

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In "The Obama Chronicles" segment tonight: You don't get to wow gold be a presidential candidate without a lot of help. Barack Obama accumulated his power base in Chicago by allying himself with some very interesting characters, probably people you have never heard of.

Click here to watch wow po Part 4 of "The Obama Chronicles,

Joining guild wars 2 gold us now from Chicago is a woman who knows all about Barack Obama's Chicago gang, Sugar Rautbord, who actually introduced the Senator to George Soros.

SUGAR RAUTBORD, OBAMA SUPPORTER: Well, because he was a Democrat, and he is rich, so that kind of makes sense. Senate, Paula and Jim Crown from the very important billionaire Chicago Crown family that wow gear owns Aspen, owns a lot of companies, very generous, very philanthropic, we were all working with Barack to run for the Senate, and I was going to host a dinner guild wars 2 gold for George Soros, on a book tour here. And we persuaded him and actually, George hosted.

O'REILLY: So you got them together. Soros, subsequently, became a big Barack Obama fan. But Soros is a far, far-left guy. And many people, I think, are very, very suspicious of George Soros for his past activities and his kind of crazy view on what the country should be. So if Barack Obama gets elected, we can blame you, Sugar, for putting the two together.

RAUTBORD: Big Chicago doyenne. The daughter of Philip Klutznik, who was the secretary of Commerce, who was a major developer. And Bettylu, as we used to call them in my own Sarah Lawrence days, liberal limousine liberals. Now we call them Lakeshore after Lakeshore Drive liberals.

O'REILLY: OK. She's loaded. And now, Bettylu Saltzman, I understand, was the one who said to Barack Obama, "You better you better oppose the Iraq war. You better come out and say you're against it, and this was way back in 2002. Is that correct?

RAUTBORD: In October 2002, Betty was Bettylu was the organizer for the anti-Iraq war that took place at Daley Federal Plaza, at which Obama made an important speech.

O'REILLY: Yes, and she said to him he didn't want to he was going, "I don't know whether I should do this, She said, "You'd better do it, And that's what I understand happened there.

RAUTBORD: That's true. And by a lot of the things and I don't think a lot of people know this Obama does a lot by consensus. He listens very closely to this circle of people that you mentioned.

O'REILLY: Well, he listened to Bettylu. Bettylu told him to get out there and be against the Iraq war, and that's what happened. Not to say that the senator wasn't against it, but Bettylu forced him to come out of the closet

'Mitt Romney hit a knockout last night' guild wars 2 gold UF

'Mitt Romney hit a knockout last night'

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at the Colorado Conservative Political Action Conference today in Denver Colorado.

TRENTON Before taking off for a three-day campaign trip out West, Gov. Chris Christie this morning guild wars 2 gold took a bow for his prediction that Mitt Romney debate performance would turn the presidential race "upside down,

have confidence in this guy, Christie said in a call in to MSNBC Joe. is no crystal ball moment. I watched him over the last year and a quarter, and every time his back has been against the wall, really against the wall and it was last wow gear night, the guy came out with a great debate performance. today, Christie takes that message to Washington state, Montana, North Dakota and Michigan. (State and federal offices are closed on Monday for Columbus Day.)

On the morning political talk shows Sunday, Sept. 30, Christie made national headlines for hyping expectations and breaking somewhat with the Romney campaign message that one debate wouldn change the political landscape. Today he echoed the practically universal sentiment that Obama delivered a lack-luster performance.

thought the president had no energy, he said. "It didn look like he wanted to engage Gov. Romney. The fact of the matter is you can beat the champ on points. Mitt Romney hit a knock out last night. />

Governor Christie talks about importance of upcoming presidential debate for Mitt Romney

Governor Chris Christie said that he expects Mitt Romney will perform well in the debate with President Obama this Wednesday night and that any time Romney has been faced with a challenge, guild wars 2 gold he has risen to the occasion. Christie said that debates have a significant effect on people's decision on who to vote for and clearly this one will play a huge role for Romney. (Video by Andre Malok / The Star-Ledger)

Watch video

While he believes there's more work to do, Christie said Romney's performance "resets the wow po campaign, "I think everybody saw last night the Mitt Romney I known for a number of years, wow gold he said in a call in to "Imus in the Morning" on Fox Business. "The guy prepared. He professional. He ready to take on the fight. And he was very good last night,

Today Christie has five stops lined up for Washington on behalf of gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna. There are three fundraisers and two call center stops on an updated schedule released today by the New Jersey GOP


Friends With Money 2006 gw2 gold FK

Friends With Money 2006

Queer Beacon does not claim credit for any images featured on this site unless otherwise noted. Queer Beacon is not responsible for, or has control over, the content of any external web site links. They are having troubles. Joan Cusack seems to be ok with her hubby Greg Germann. Frances McDormand is having issues with life guild wars 2 gold. She is married to an effeminate "metrosexual wow gold," played by Simon McBurney guild wars 2 gold. They are all rich, J is poor.

Another great ensemble flick. The ensemble thing has been done a lot lately. Maybe people are all really hooked on what they like. Tastes and interests are getting narrower every day. So, maybe, if a movie does not have something specific for everybody (and an ensemble cast movie usually has something for everybody) it may not get enough people to go see it. I don't know. He is a personal trainer/con.

I liked the dialogs a lot. Nicole Holofcener wrote and directed the movie. She's is good. Anyway, I'll check out Nicole Holofcener's other movies: Lovely Amazing, and Walking Talking. Lovely Amazing seems to go along with the whole idea for Friends with Money.

Now to our gay movie review. In one scene, Catherine Keener tells her husband that Frances' husband is gay. She says it like it's just ridiculous for the guy to be married to a woman and hide his sexual identity. I thought this was pretty good.

In another scene, Joan Cusack is in bed with Greg Germann and she talks about their son not playing with balls. She is worried with that, so she asks her husband how he would feel if their son was gay. The husband just replies that he doesn't want his son to feel pain. Joan says that everybody feels pain. I guess it is still acceptable for parents to worry about their gay child suffering in a homophobic society, but they should fight that, right? They should fight against homophobia in society, not their child's identity guild wars 2 gold. Anyway, from their conversation in bed, it seems they would be fine with a gay son. Worried, but fine gw2 gold. Everybody laughed in the theater with the "gay pain" thing though.

Oh, there were LOTS of lesbians in the theater. Super nice.

The rest of the discussion will entail the possible homosexuality of Frances McDormand's husband. So I'll spoil that part of the plot if you keep reading after the jump. So, go see the movie, watch the trailer, or read on.

Can you believe him in the photo above? He was like that all movie, making constant references to things that are seen as stereotypically gay (a cashmere sale, facial creams, outfits etc.). Here's how the movie's official website describes his character: "Simon McBurney plays Aaron, the ambivalent, happily wed husband of Jane (Frances McDormand) who senses his wife is going through an emotional crisis." Ambivalent and happy. Whatever.

In the scene depicted in the photo above, a guy hits on him (I don't know how, our gay is butt ugly) and he does not take it badly, like a lot of the closet cases do. That was very nice. He was not offended to be mistaken for a gay. He just said he was married, the other guy said something like "he must be a lucky man" and our gay just shrugged it off, not denying the "he" part. Nice.

Well, the movie did not give us any solution for that part of the plot. I think. My hubby thought that the guy was not gay. Period. Other parts of the plot were also left unsolved, and it was all fine by me.

Towards the end of the movie, our gay finds another guy in the same circumstances (looks gay but is married to a woman), they go to the movies together, prepare fancy meals etc. Gay gay gay. They go on a double date with their wives. After that double date, we see that the new friend's wife tells him in their car that she thought Simon (our original gay) was really gay (she doesn't see that her husband looks gay as well).

In any event, gay or not, I think that the fact that the issue was discussed in the movie, even without a more clear solution, was positive. If Simon was indeed gay, the movie could be seen as a criticism to his hiding his sexuality. Through the reaction the characters had when discussing the issue (pretty much everybody says at one point in the movie that Frances' husband is gay), you could imply that the characters would want our gay to come out, leave his wife, the works. If he was not gay, the movie would make a case against the "rule" that dictates that effeminate guys are necessarily gay.

Personally, I think it's all a matter of time for closeted effeminate guys. I think they will have to come out of the closet at some point. I generally think that effeminate guys are more than likely gay. But that's just my opinion, based on personal and limited observation, and there's certainly no science to it.

Best Guidelines To Buy Wow Gold Never Getting Scammed guild wars 2 gold OE

Best Guidelines To Buy Wow Gold Never Getting Scammed

If you choose to buy World of World of warcraft precious metal, there are a few things you need to consider before purchasing. There are countless numbers wow precious metal suppliers online, however, not all of them are genuine firms guild wars 2 gold. Some precious metal websites will get the transaction and take days or even months to produce your precious metal if at all, other precious metal websites will produce for you regularly but don't exercise careful attention and get precious metal customers prohibited wow gold.

Don't buy precious metal from a websitewithout doing some analysis. You can ask your acquaintances guild wars 2 gold, of course not in activity, check out opinions and do some qualifications on the precious metal company before putting in an order. See what others have to choose which precious metal site you can buy from.

buy gold in huge quantities, because this will get you on the radar with Blizzard GMs which may investigate and ban your wow account. If you need lots of wow gold then just buy gold a bit more frequently but practice caution. Buying gold everyday is risky, every week or every other week is much safer gw2 gold.

Don't tell people you purchased precious metal while enjoying World of World of warcraft guild wars 2 gold. Unless you know the individual very well and confidence him, they may tell other acquaintances and gradually the erroneous individual may find out. Many gamers that will document you if they notice you Buy WOW Gold. This may get the awareness of activity GMs which may examine further and perhaps ban your profile..

great Online Game In Certain Places guild wars 2 gold 09

great Online Game In Certain Places

D3, as well as all it's harvesting amazing benefits as well as cherish goblins, has gone out, however just about all isn't nicely Given, the overall game offers just already been away for any 7 days, however there are several obvious defects within the online game.

The overall game may be finished through a number of them. Something which Blizzard stated wouldnt end up being possible with regard to days following release. I'm not really amazed, because this particular happens to be the situation along with AMAZING, however I actually do seem like this cheapens time a person purchase this. This seems unfortunate, however it will cause you to seem like time a person invest within the online game is actually squandered, because it is actually as well simple anyhow.

The problem isnt ramped elegantly wow gold, as well as isnt truly suffering from ability. If you don't make use of a twink construct, you'll need the apparatus as well as there isn't any method close to. Blizzard offers mentioned, which right here is going to do every thing to prevent cookiecutter develops, therefore in the event that somebody finds out an imaginative auto technician as well as utilize it, you may be certain it'll obtain hotfixed as well as nerfed within the floor. Therefore obtain harvesting as well as an individual will be carried out harvesting, strike public sale home. You'll need the apparatus as well as, to some lower degree, the actual mini abilities in order to endure about the greater issues.

The actual D3 public sale home is really a bust line

The actual public sale home is actually searching to become a failing, as well as We dont observe how Blizzard plan to help to make the cash these people anticipate away this. The actual USER INTERFACE is actually terrible as well as unintuitive. How can these people anticipate individuals to spend their own cash, when they cant very easily discover exactly what they need? The reason why cant a person search through class and have a look close to? The reason why cant a person examine results upon gemstones? It's a secret in my experience, the reason why these people didnt depend much more about the OH user interface through AMAZING. This functions the ones understand this.

There are several functions I love within the OH: The very fact you are able to arranged the optimum cost, that you could explore statistics as well as results as well as that you could evaluate equipment for your figures. However apart from that, I'm not really which amazed.

Nevertheless, We dont begin to see the real cash public sale home being a large achievement with regard to promoting products. I've sensation individuals uses this to purchase precious metal after which make use of the precious metal cash public sale home. Individuals dont really feel because poor investing real cash upon precious metal after which investing which precious metal upon equipment about the precious metal cash OH. After that its simply purchasing in-game foreign currency. Absolutely no biggie, that's nearly just like having to pay the membership! However should you purchase products, you're all of a sudden confronted by the very fact, that you're utilizing real life cash to purchase digital itemsand that's a large actuality look for individuals. Therefore precious metal cash public sale home may be the spot to end up being as well as become familiar with. This really is exactly where you'll take advantage cash.

D3 creating is simply unfortunate, however, you ought to nevertheless get it done

The actual creating is actually unfortunate within Diablo 3. Presently there, We stated this guild wars 2 gold. You actually shouldnt perform any kind of creating with this online game, at this time. You're far better away purchasing your own equipment about the OH as well as await Blizzard in order to update the actual crafters gw2 gold. Nevertheless, there's a few value upon progressing all of them upward right now and become prepared. Once the crafting-patch strikes everybody may wish to degree their own jewelry sales person or even blacksmith and obtain their own on the job the brand new jewelry sales person quality recipes or even blacksmith quality recipes. Whenever that occurs, progressing upward your own artist will probably be costly. To too end up being in front of the contour as well as degree upward your own crafters right now, when it's inexpensive.

You are able to nevertheless earn money within D3

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a requerir cirug

NUEVA YORK (AP) - Los Mets de Nueva York dijeron el lunes que el lanzador Tim Byrdak tiene un desgarre en el hombro, la misma lesión que obligó a su compañero de equipo venezolano Johan Santana a estar fuera de acción más de un año.

Los Mets señalaron en un comunicado de prensa que existe la posibilidad de que el especialista zurdo tenga que ser operado guild wars 2 gold. Byrdak encabeza la liga con 56 apariciones, y tiene marca de 2-2 con promedio de carreras limpias admitidas de 4 wow gold.40 en 30 entradas y dos tercios de relevo. Byrdak no ha lanzado desde el miércoles, cuando se quejó de dolor en el hombro.

Además, el receptor Chris Johnson está en observación día a día por contusión en la mano derecha. Se lastimó durante el juego que perdieron el domingo con los Padres de San Diego.

El jardinero Kirk Nieuwenhuis tuvo un desgarre en el pie derecho el viernes en el juego con el equipo de Buffalo de clase Triple A y se reportará a Port St. Lucie, Florida guild wars 2 gold, para rehabilitación. Nieuwenhuis bateó para promedio de .252 con siete cuadrangulares y 28 carreras producidas en 91 juegos para los Mets antes de ser enviado a ligas menores.

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News for You »

John Boehner Told Harry Reid 'Go F--- Yourself' Outside the Oval OfficeThe fiscal austerity crisis has been temporarily averted, but given the apparent animosity between the current leaders of Congress its a miracle that any deal was made at all. Politico has a rather lengthy breakdown of the last week or so of negotiations that led to last night's budget bill and it leads off with ananecdoteillustrating the current state of American politics. As they arrived for a much-hyped meeting with the President last Friday afternoon, Speaker of the House John Boehner spotted House Majority Leader HarryReid approaching just steps from the Oval Office. gw2 gold.

It's Over for Bradley Cooper and Zoe SaldanaActors Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana have split up for a second time, apparently. Page Six says that the pair, who broke up last March only to get back together this fall, were supposed to spend New Year's Eve in Paris with Cooper's family, but Cooper ended up going it alone, while Saldana spent her evening in Miami with friends. Supposedly the couple couldn't make it work because of their busy schedules, with Cooper doing awards-blitz stuff for Silver Linings Playbook, and shooting a commercial of some sort in Prague, and Saldana doing Star Trek and a movie with Mila Kunis. .

More leaked BlackBerry Z10 pictures emerge along with new detailsWe've long known what RIM's (RIMM) first BlackBerry 10 smartphone will look like, but now we can get a better idea of its overall size thanks to new pictures published by Business Insider. An unnamed source sent Business Insider pictures of the BlackBerry Z10 placed side-by-side with the iPhone 4S to show that the Z10 has a significantly larger display and a slightly thicker casing thanApple's(AAPL) classic smartphone model. Business Insider's source said he or she was generally impressed with the Z10 so far, including the back cover that "feels rubbery and snaps on sort of like the back cover on Samsung's (005930)Galaxy S III" and the display that "looks great." The source also said RIM's new Web browser is

How long does it take to become reasonably proficient in Oracle given SQL Server guild wars 2 gold V

How long does it take to become reasonably proficient in Oracle given SQL Server

In applying for jobs via agents I sometimes get blocked by an agent who says do you know software package X. When I reply that I know the similar package Y they might say unless you know X I cannot put you forward.

The problem is that some of these agents don't know what they talking about, they are merely being used by their clients as a screening filter.

It would be useful to be able to say to these agents that because I know Y I can expect to become reasonably proficient in X in a given number of days/months. However not knowing X determining the required time is why I'm asking this question.

Most recently X was Oracle and Y was SQL Server.

Please can those of you who know both, express an opinion on how long is required to become reasonably proficient? NB I'm not talking about becoming a DBA!

I'll state my bias upfront - Oracle is far more complex than Sql Server. So it depends what you'll be asked to do. You say that this is not for a DBA position but that definition is pretty fluid. At my company, Developers are charged with designing tables, adding the correct indexes, determining partitioning.

If you say, all I'll do is code in java or c# and call packages written by a DBA or Oracle Developer, then you are safe.

But if you take all of your MSSS experience and add semi-colons to the end of your lines you'll kill your Oracle instance. Many standard practices in MSSS are anethema to Oracle. In MSSS it's recommended to have clustered indexes on most every table. In Oracle we build IOTs (Index Organized Tables) only for specific purposes. In MSSS doing DDL in T-SQL is as easy as falling off a log. In Oracle it is made difficult on purpose, it's discouraged and in fact somewhat dangerous. In MSSS you whip off #temp table like they're jelly beans, in Oracle we plan them in advance since they are permanent database objects that aren't just created in the middle of a proc when the logic gets a little tricky.

That said, would you be able to make Oracle do something? Well, yah, but the real question is will it work efficiently and scale to meet the needs of the business your agent placed you at. And that's a resounding no.

If you're being hired as a DBA, it will take a while to switch between databases as the management of them differs (I base this on my experience with Oracle and DB2 only).

I DON'T know SQL Server but I can imagine a Microsoft program with its nice GUI management would be vastly different to managing DB2/z, for example (although you can use the fancy DB2 LUW (Linux/UNIX/Window) tools if you're that way inclined).

If you're just cutting code to use the database, the SQL differences are minor (relatively). That shouldn't take much time at all, assuming you're already proficient with SQL.

I've done SQL Server for 10 years, but started working with Oracle about a year and a half ago. Like any database, there's no magical proficiency point - you just learn more about it the more you use it. In terms of what a developer would need to know, it shouldn't take more than a week (and even that's a bit much) for an experienced developer to get up to speed with using it. We eventually got to the point where I was the only one using TOAD, and everyone else was using SqlDeveloper. Avoid TOAD.

I went from SQL Server to Oracle in 2001 where I went from working on a VB6/SQL Server project (as a developer) to working as an Oracle development DBA for a large J2EE project. Here are the edited highlights of my experiences and some reflections.

For development, the basic principle of SQL is not radically differnt. T-SQL is a somewhat different beast to PL/SQL so the idioms are a bit different. Most competent programmers should be able to make the jump by just tinkering around and getting some good SQL server books such as the Guru's Guide or Oracle books such as Expert one-on-one Oracle, depending on which way you're going.

I'd say for a developer a week or two to get used to another database platform will get you most of the way there. The basic principles are fairly similar (modulo differences in the architecture); really only the window dressing is different. However guild wars 2 gold, if you're going to Oracle, get a copy of a third-party query tool such as TOAD as these are much, much, much better than the ones that Oracle supplies.

Agents are notoriously bad for matching specific buzzwords and I get this on a semi-regular basis (I'm a contractor). If you need to bone up on SQL Server the Developer Edition is very cheap and will install on a desktop O/S such as Windows XP. Oracle also offers Free downloads for all their supported platforms that you can use to tinker.

You might also get some mileage from asking a stackoverflow question along the lines of "What are the main idiomatic differences between PL/SQL and T-SQL".

If all you want to do is put a bullet point on your resume to get past the agents, just add it, that will get you past the agents and give you a chance to get your foot in the door. If you are an honest type, grab Oracle XE, Read the appropriate guide at the documentation library, and spend a day or 5 throwing together a blog/address book/flickr clone/etc in your favorite language against Oracle.

As others have suggested there is some significant difference in things you would do compared to SQL Server, if you just apply what you know from SQL Server to Oracle gw2 gold, you'll likely kill performance.

I would disagree that the SQL is similar. The SQL SYNTAX is similar (to the lowest common denominator of ANSI) for basic CRUD development. But actually building packages, writing multi-table / multi step joins, bulk updates and inserts, use of the rich and powerful Oracle feature set is very different from SQL Server wow gold. This takes a different mindset and can take many years to master guild wars 2 gold. However.

The purpose of the CV / resume is to get an interview.

Work with your agent to highlight your best TALENTS and BEHAVIOUR'S, not purely skills.

Skill's can be learnt and taught. A talent for, and the demonstration of, learning new skills in new environments is gold dust for an employer.

Don't try to blag it. Don't lie. You'll be found out guild wars 2 gold. Use your experience gained from SQL Server to demonstrate that you can solve the problem. Show eagerness to learn, train and graft.


Finding The Best World of Warcaft Gold Guide wow gold kopen mr

Finding The Best World of Warcaft Gold Guide

Carlos Castro

World of Warcraft gold guides are a dime a dozen, that's why it's so important to do some research to find out which ones are considered the best ones. Before I purchase mine I usually do a web search to try and find reviews. This is good because it gives you a basic rundown of the good and the bad of the guide. Then I get all the reviews and try and figure out which one has the most positive reviews.

Another way is I do a forum search and see what other gamers have to say about a particular guide wow gold kopen. This is ok as well, but it is a little tedious and takes alot of time. If there are no threads about a particular guide, I might register and ask about the guide to see what kind of feedback I get. This too takes alot of time because the response is usually slow. This is because the vast minority of gamers don't have World of Warcraft gold guides.

Another method I used was to read the testimonials that were provided on the sales page of the website. The problem with that is obvious - Who knows if they are sincere testimonials. It's still a good idea to check them out, sometimes the testimonials have emails or other websites that you can use to contact the person and you can ask them about the guide wow gold ideal. I have found that is the best way to get an idea of what your buying when looking for a good World of Warcraft gold guide.

Because of the difficulty that I had in finding good reviews and opinions of World of Warcraft gold guides I created site that will hopefully prove useful for other WoW gamers who had as much trouble as I did. World of Warcraft Gold Guide Database goes a long way to shortening WoW gamers search. On the site are reviews by owners of the WoW gold guides you might be considering, they are reviewed by gamers themselves without editorial input wow po, that way the reviews are unbiased. I hope World of Warcraft Gold Guide Database comes in handy for the scrutinizing gamer wow gold po. Good luck wow gold!

2012 June wow po sD

2012 June

Determine first-aid for any number of cloth into bandages value back to life. Based on the different fabrics wow po, you can create different Wow skills from the bandage to revive the natural values of life Acheter Des PO. Wow cooking skills not just comes mmopop reviews to the need for magic life, but some food can be added in the effect of buff to enhance the Wow player survival wow gold kopen. Wow Fishing skills looks leisure wow gold ideal, especially in the of fish with the cooking recipe to create a snakes wind so that Wow players change the form of the interesting characters function allows the price of fish and recipes to keep a long-term price stability, hence they can not manage to lost up the Wow supporting skills. In addition gw2 gold, there have most significant thing we could be assisted to guy4game reviews discover the Wow support skills, and complementary business skills allow adventure gamers, you need to visit choose their very own learning Wow skills you are interested.

Beadseller on Internet Search Engines wow gold po ZX

Beadseller on Internet Search Engines

about 10 or so years ago. I would also like to mention that every page opened instantly. I used the internet as a venue for research. I had an Adam Computer too! *humpf*In mid January 2005, I found Overstock. not by chance mind you. A dear friend of mine had tried for months to talk me into trying Overstock. Beadwitched. I would love to say that I sell more than I buy gw2 gold, however, that doesn seem to be the case. So there I was, sitting on over $20,000 worth of beads and beading supplies selling them at about $2 per pack on Overstock. WOW. Talk about a get rich quick scheme!I started listing even more. still not adjusting my prices. that was what people wanted to pay. so either make the nickel or not. January reaped just over $500 in sales. February jumped to $1,500. March jumped even further. $2,400. I thought that since I had so many valued customers, I would return some of that value to them and bond my products. Fortunately. the service was free through September 2005. But it did NOTHING Acheter Des PO. absolutely NOTHING for my sales!In reality. my sales plummeted! By the end of May. I felt doomed! I picked up two new customers. and heard barely a dribble from the rest. my sales for May were a whopping $382! Where did all my customers go?!?!? What was I doing wrong?!?!?With all this in mind. back in March of this year, I decided to give my own ecommerce site a try. Don get me wrong. at first I thought it was merely a pipe dream. After all. I paid for three years of webhosting back in March and it took until the middle of August to finally have a website up and running!In February, 2005, I started out with shopping around to find the least expensive hosting site. *laughing*Next came the HTML HELL. The last time I actually wrote any HTML was about 8 years ago, when HTML was just that. HTML. Nothing fancy. Actually, it was pretty easy to learn. I was self taught then but the book was ohhhhhh so much thinner than the newer models!So, I read and researched and read and researched and read some more. I purchased a template for $49 and proceeded from there. What I didn know when I purchased the template was that it was not written in language compatible with my host. NOT!!! It was a NIGHTMARE! But again. I forged ahead. Looking at the walls of drawers of beads, I should probably try to sell what I have before I drive myself out of shop/office and HOME!Speaking of Late March. Well. after working with the same attorney for 7 years. she called me into her office to say that things were just not working out. WHAT?!? What does that mean???? How could it possibly take someone SEVEN YEARS to decide that THINGS ARE JUST NOT WORKING OUT?!?!? You would think that if things were JUST NOT WORKING OUT. that would have happened say. WEEK ONE!This could not have happened at a worse time! I had just taken out a mortgage on my home two months before so I could purchase beads and beading supplies! The beads and beading supplies were and are still sitting here staring at me!Back to the store wow gold po. so. I worked diligently, day and night trying to create my webstore. I would complete umteen pages and then notice that I didn correct the font color on the previous 10 or so pages. So. what was she on??? Three days later, GEICO completed the estimate of damages totaling over $4,000. I don think that my neck will ever be the same wow gold. My right shoulder still hurts. I require an operation on my right knee. Fifty now feels more like seventy!The accident put a halt to website work. I couldn sit for very long without severe pain. My lower back and neck were hurting all the time. I would wake up at times with very little feeling in my arms or legs. I was not fairing well at all!In mid July, I once again returned to working diligently on the site. I chose Paypal wow gold kopen. This required more reading and more research. some more reading and research. some crying. and more reading and more crying and more research. The word PAL in Paypal has nothing to do with the setting up of its shopping cart! I was becoming more and more frustrated. but again. I finally weeded through the poorly written instructions and managed to get the cart to work. on ONE item. WOW. only about 1,000 more to go! *HA* After reading and researching this phenomena, I realized that I had used the wrong cart set up and somehow managed to hook up over 100 items in much the same fashion. WRONG!So. after crying some more and relieving my scalp of a few swatches of hair, I once again forged ahead. please. don applaud. what I really need you to do is THROW MONEY!Now I was cruising. hooking up each and every individual item to this shopping cart contraption. MY PAL. my buddy. my GOD! I sent out my mass mailing to almost 350 of my regular customers announcing the GRAND OPENING OF. BEADSELLER on August 18, 2005. FREE SHIPPING offered to the first 10 completed orders!I picked this particular day to open because first. it was the soonest I could get the site done. and second. sitting at my computer. email open. sitting. watching. sitting. watching. watching. sitting. I feel a distinctive sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. or maybe this feeling came from the fact that I had not moved from my chair in three days! Finally. on the fourth day. a sale!!! I might add. the shipping on this sale cost me almost as much as what was purchased! Well. not making money is why I do this right? *HA*Day Five. still NOTHING. then it occurs to me. hmm. maybe I should review my html and see whether I bothered to enter any keywords and meta stuff. NOTHING. *waaaaaa*So. I start researching again. which brings me to this blog. unless you pay for the service to submit your site. don expect to have much traffic! Which in turn means. yet another NOT RICH QUICK scheme!Yahoo will let you submit an url for free. but to be listed in their directory. if I remember correctly. a mere $299 a year. WOW. only $299 a year?!?!?!? Even MSN let me submit my site for FREE! And being penny poor. if I were independently wealthy. ifa. woulda. coulda. WOW. these are fantastic resources. You see. after all the reading and research. everyone selling the website submission service tells you that the more places you are linked to, the more you move up in rank. Well. while reviewing all of the webrings. I forgot the rank issue and became extremely interested in the fact that there are literally a gillion WebRings! I was amazed with all of the RINGS that actually revolved around what I sell and what I love. BEADS and ARTISAN JEWELRY! WOOO HOOO!So. even if I don sell much. I have found that there are literally thousands of others out there in cyberspace who have huge shoulders available to cry upon. Gotta love those webring heroes and heroins!Well. that quite enough for now. if you should be reading this and happen to buy beads and beading supplies. give me a try.

Beadseller. That me!Hi~ I Donna aka Beadseller~ I have been working with beads and jewelry making supplies for nearly 20 years. It took me that long to finally open my own ecommerce store. In my free time I like to write about some of the things I have learned since opening my store. Hope you enjoy my schpeal on Search Engines.

If you can speak English you are halfway to speaking Italian gw2 gold kK

If you can speak English you are halfway to speaking Italian

Enjoy the advantage of a natural assimilation of the Italian language and culture Acheter Des PO. Italian is a melodious and charming language, enchanting to listen to, and a delight to speak.

Tastes differ widely, of course, but Italian is considered by many to be one of the world's most beautiful languages.

import-export activities, in an extensive range of fashion articles, in interior and furniture design, automobiles and motor cycles, and other commercial activities.

Italian is indispensable for students of art, music, law, European history and archaeology.

The artistic and literary heritage of Italy is

an exaltation of the Genius Loci. Tuscany in particular has its great poets - Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch, its mighty master, and Leonardo da Vinci, who created a new universe here on earth. It gave the world, among many others, the ageless wow gold, muscular art and brawny sculpture of Michelangelo to which we can add such great geniuses as Galileo, Macchiavelli, Giotto, Botticelli, Brunelleschi.

Italian explorers include Christopher Columbus, Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot), Giovanni da Verrazzano, and Amerigo Vespucci - the man who gave his name to America.

Over 60 percent of the world's greatest art treasures are in Italy.

Since 1972 New Itineraries Cultural Association wow gold, a group of over twenty qualified teachers has offered Italian Language and Culture Homestays to foreign students wishing to gain a better academic and working knowledge of the language and culture.

The guest student lives in the home as one of the family. Tuition is given daily and is individually-planned, tutor-to-student. Accommodation is in comfortable homes of excellent quality, in or near Florence and in the Chianti Wine area. All meals are taken in the family and guests have private room and private bath.

University students, opera singers, professionals and senior citizens have participated in our homestay programs, using our individually-planned, tutor-to-student method. Homestay guests are mainly university students, opera singers, professionals and senior citizens.

Since 1972, hundreds of students have enjoyed our warm hospitality and appreciated the quality of the homes and expert tuition. Their gratitude is shown by testimonials and long-lasting friendship with the host family.

Homestay tuition in the comfort of the host's home is a unique opportunity to learn Italian gw2 gold, actively, naturally and thoroughly wow gold ideal. In the traditional classroom, and after attending school, students inevitably meet other students from their own country and so speak in their own language. In a host family this cannot happen. You think and speak Italian in every day-by-day situation. This round-the-clock exercise is the very heart of constant and permanent learning.

A language which is assimilated and intensely lived and used in this practical manner makes "Living and Learning with Your Teacher" the most effective and natural way of securing a good knowledge of the Italian language and culture.

Our homestay tuition programs offer a worthwhile and highly rewarding vacation to learn and speak our language, understand our way of life, our culture - and to visit Italy.

How To Choose A Rock Climbing Harness gw2 gold ud

How To Choose A Rock Climbing Harness

Choosing the proper rock climbing harness is one of the most critical decisions you will have to make to succeed a safe and exciting climbing. Apart from where you will choose to climb, either indoor in artificially climbing rocks or outdoor, your harness should fit your climbing style and technique as well as your body shape. A harness is especially designed to tie you up with the climbing rope offering maximum safety and comfort and enabling your body movements. You will have to consider a few key parameters before purchasing the right harness for you. In particular:

1. Climbing styles and Techniques

The various climbing styles demand specific harnesses; you will need a different one when you will be climbing indoor for one or two hours and a different one when you will do an outside climbing that may last more than 15 hours gw2 gold. Specifically:

- They so called Big Wall harnesses are mostly used from climbers executing consecutive pitches many times per day. For that reason wow gold, they are especially cushioned on the waist and leg loops to relieve most of the pressure caused by climbing and hanging. Moreover wow gold kopen, they can ease you with the rest of your gear featuring a powerful loop in the back side.

- The alpine climbers on the other hand need a light and firm harness to save them from trouble on the long climbing hours. Additionally, they are waterproof to prevent rope from turning into an icy one while ice-climbing. Of course, extra caution is required as waterproof protection may wear off after usage. They also have an adjustable waist and leg strap allowing climbers to change clothing, from lighter to heavier, during the day wow gold.

- Nevertheless, if you still have not decided which style or place suits your needs and desires or if you are a rookie climber Acheter Des PO, then the multi-purpose harnesses are ideal for you. Usually, their main characteristic is the extra filling in the waist and leg loops to protect you from the impact force of a fall offering maximum safety and comfort. Moreover, they also have a front loop designed to fasten a belay or rescue plate without difficulty.

- The sit strings are the most popular ones as they offer maximum protection and comfort without blocking the climber's movement. Consisting of a filled waist belt and a pair of leg loops, it is ideal for almost any climbing style. It is also appropriate for any body type as it can be easily adjustable by its detachable straps.

- Furthermore, there are the chest harnesses which are mostly designed for tricky and difficult routes and rappelling while carrying heavy loads. Note that for safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to wear only a chest harness but should always be combined with a sit string harness.

- The full-body harnesses are in fact fixed chest and sit-string ones. It mostly used from children or rookies to prevent them from turning upside down while climbing. In addition, it offers high stability and protection. However, not all climbers find it an ideal choice as it lucks flexibility.

Before deciding which harness to choose, you will have to try it first to make sure it fits you perfectly. It should be neither too tight as it will cut off circulation to the leg and groin area nor too loose as it may slip off putting even your life in danger during a fall. When testing a harness, you should also consider the clothing you will be wearing when climbing; this way you will ensure you will buy the perfect size and type. If it is in any way uncomfortable, do not buy it! Keep in mind that you will be wearing it not for five minutes but for many consecutive hours. If you are not sure which type is best for you, especially if you are a beginner, then you should visit a specialized mountain store to help you out the best.